Hans Wiedemann, Managing Director and Delegate of the Board of Directors, is synonymous with the Badrutt’s Palace Hotel just as the Palace tower is the landmark for St. Moritz. He is the face of the hotel. Ten years ago, in April 2004, the majority shareholder Hansjürg Badrutt convinced the internationally experienced hotelier to come to the Engadin Valley. Wiedemann’s former colleague at Montreux Palace, Yves Gardiol, followed him in June 2004 and joined him as General Manager. Together they now form the top management team of this historic hotel.
Hansjürg Badrutt will eventually sign over his equity stake to Hans Wiedemann, the »Hotelier of the World 2009« – and with good reason. Hansjürg Badrutt wants to ensure a stable future for the hotel, safeguarding the family heritage and traditions. In Hans Wiedemann, Hansjürg found the perfect successor for „his Palace“. The two men are on the same wave length, share the same sense of humour and trust one another completely. Born in Basel, Wiedemann managed hotels in China and Australia for 15 years, before returning to Switzerland in 1995, and taking over the management of Badrutt’s Palace Hotel in 2004.
On the occasion of Wiedemann’s 10th anniversary, Hans Amrein, editor-in-chief of Hotelier Magazine says: „Hans Wiedemann is a model hotelier, right out of a hotel industry text book. A gentleman, a host with class, charm and a unique humour, but at the same time an industry professional with a profound understanding of the hotel business.“
While Yves Gardiol is active on the board of the Tourism association, the Society of Hoteliers, the Village Society, the Travel Commission, and the Administration Commission of St. Moritz Energy, Hans Wiedemann will continue to operate on the Advisory Board of the Hotel Management School in Lausanne (EHL) and in his role as vice president of the Board of Directors at Les Trois Rois Hotel in Basel.
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